Saturday, March 19, 2011

The demon's egg

Most people have some sort of a love/hate relationship with certain foods.  With IBD those relationships come frequently and often.  For me I've had some long standing ones, some that developed long before developing Ulcerative Colitis.

For me they are few and far between. I love orange soda*, however they are very few I can drink, and even then it's just Fanta that I can drink.  Avocados are similar, except there is no love, only hate.

I've always found avocados inherently creepy.  Visually it looks like a large black leathery egg, if a demon were to hatch from an egg , that egg would look like an avocado. Aside from the visual displeasing nature of its external features,when cut opens it continues to look like an egg.  The seed is presented in a manner that looks like a yolk, and the albumin is represented the squishy green interior. It is basically an egg of demonic standards.

Beyond the appearance they allegedly contain other worldly supernatural culinary abilities.  It is widely believed that if you make guacamole and then place the seed back in the bowl of guac it will magically extend the life of it and it will remain green for an extended period of time**.

That was my reasoning for not eating avocado.  When I was still cooking I joked about it, and even now years later I continue to.

At first I would jokingly not eat avocado, and then I committed to the bit.  It when from passively not eating it to actively avoiding it.  It was no longer about not wanting to eat it, but it became a matter of principle.  Not eating avocado became a lifestyle choice#.

Now here I am approaching surgery, my colon is dying and has never tasted avocado.  I am beginning to reconsider my choices, it's not necessarily that I want to avocado.  I could happily go my life never eating it.  But perhaps that is a selfish choice?

It's a tough decision to make.

Are there recommendations on which form to have it in? A certain dish?

 If I eat it it will be once and only once. Even if I like it will never eat it again.

*I'm also a fan of cherry coke, which is another beverage I can't drink, it gives me wicked heartburn.
**I don't actually believe this any more, although there are legions of chefs and laymen who do.  If anything it's probably because most guacamole recipes contain lime juice or some sort of citrus.  The ascorbic acid is what is probably delaying the oxidation.
#Very similar to not owning an umbrella*# or using heroin##.
*# I also don't own an umbrella, too much of a hassle.
##However I do not use heroin#*
^When I say "Yet", I mean eventually I'm going to have to try it^*.
^*I mean when I'm super old and close to death^^.
^^Seriously what else am I going to when I'm 55.
^#There is no reference for this foot note. But the song Prices of the Universe by Queen starts of awesome and half way through it really turns to shit.%
% I'm currently watching season 5 of the Highlander tv series on Netflix, they use the good part of the song for the theme music.